Hello and welcome to the Foundfuture newsletter.Each week I’ll share with you a shortlist of worthwhile stories, insights and creative work which meet at the cross-section of visual communication and our planet.The name Foundfuture comes from global situation we currently find ourselves in: A continued discovery of evidence pointing to a dystopic future which feels inevitable. However, I believe this found future is something which can be changed if we can inspire the right minds.Thanks for subscribing,Gareth
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Foundfuture • 1
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Hello and welcome to the Foundfuture newsletter.Each week I’ll share with you a shortlist of worthwhile stories, insights and creative work which meet at the cross-section of visual communication and our planet.The name Foundfuture comes from global situation we currently find ourselves in: A continued discovery of evidence pointing to a dystopic future which feels inevitable. However, I believe this found future is something which can be changed if we can inspire the right minds.Thanks for subscribing,Gareth